2 02, 2022

5 Common Food Business Problems and How to Solve Them

2024-04-02T16:04:12+00:00February 2nd, 2022|Getting Started|0 Comments

This is 100% honest. All food businesses have problems you'll need to solve. Here are a few ways to solve one of the most common problems facing food businesses. Here are a few ways to solve these common business problems. The problems below are not sugar-coated. (Although that would be tasty....mmmm sugar.) These are real problems. And I'm sure some of you are experiencing them, too. If you are, I'd love to here what you've done to solve them. Here's what's going on: Problem #1: Our Mustard is too Expensive Shelf space is expensive. And retailers aren't going to put products [...]

31 12, 2021

How to Get Insurance for Your Food Business

2024-04-02T16:05:29+00:00December 31st, 2021|Getting Started|0 Comments

There are a lot of reasons companies need insurance. They've got to protect their logo or company name, make sure they're computers are covered, and don't forget workman's compensation. But, for food producers, you've got to protect something way more important than logos and computers. You need to protect your customers. Yep - the people who enjoy your products every day. This is why product liability insurance is so important. I recommend getting it before approaching retailers to carry your product. Why you need insurance: 1. Bad ingredients If you've got recalled ingredients or spoiled ingredients that were used in [...]

22 12, 2021

Food Business Lessons You’ll Need to Know in 2022

2024-04-02T16:05:35+00:00December 22nd, 2021|Getting Started|0 Comments

You should analyze EVERYTHING about a food business. You should see my spreadsheets (I'll share them once I get them all bundled up). Some would say, it's overkill. I say, it's research. And since it's almost the start of the new year, I'm writing this post so you know the metrics that are important to evaluate. Why do I do this? Analyzing your business provides you with insights you would never see if you simply handed over a profit & loss statement to your tax accountant and called it a day. For example: What was your most popular flavor? Which retailers [...]

17 12, 2021

5 Ways the Food Industry will Change in 2022

2024-04-02T16:05:41+00:00December 17th, 2021|Getting Started|0 Comments

Happy New Year! Over the past few months, I've been noticing some trends on the grocery store shelves: new products, unique branding strategies, and I've honestly learned a couple more lessons. I'd love to share my view on the 2018 industry with you. While I don't have a hand in the specialty food industry anymore, I still love this industry and pay close attention to changes in the market. Because, you never know - I may jump back in. So, for better or worse, here are the 5 food business trends I've been noticing. Hopefully, they help you achieve great [...]

30 11, 2021

How Much Does a Mobile Medical Unit Cost Exactly?

2024-04-02T16:24:12+00:00November 30th, 2021|Getting Started|0 Comments

Mobile medical trailer built by MR-Trailers.com. A new mobile medical unit costs roughly $45,000. Depending on what goes in, a modest buildout would cost between $50,000 and $75,000. Depending on the size, extras, and amenities included, a well-equipped unit could cost anywhere between $175,000 to $375,000. However, if you want to know how much goes into each component of a mobile medical vehicle, here are some ideas for your reference. The total cost of the equipment installed will play the biggest factor in the total cost. You can estimate the cost of your build by figuring out the [...]

28 11, 2021

Fast & Easy Food Business Plan Template [Free Download]

2024-04-02T16:24:24+00:00November 28th, 2021|Getting Started|0 Comments

Deciding to start a food business isn't something to be taken lightly. You commit thousands of hours to learning, testing, number crunching, and eating (my favorite part). It takes over your dining room, basement, and garage. In summary: starting a food business is your life. It's been my life since I was 15 years old. I started selling cookies, moved to energy bars, and now I sell super-premium mustard. While some of my businesses were more like hobbies, I learned a lot from one to the next. And one things always stayed true: I had a business plan for every food [...]

6 11, 2021

5 Strategies I’m Using to Grow My Food Business 20% this Year

2024-04-02T16:24:35+00:00November 6th, 2021|Getting Started|0 Comments

While it's not quite summer, we're almost there. Heck, it's 91 degrees in Vermont right now. So, practically summer. And for me, that means I actually start to sell some mustard. (Who's with me? I'm talking about those awful months from January - April if you live in a wintery climate). Anyway, I digress.... This year has been an interesting time for Green Mountain Mustard. Year-to-date, my sales are down three-fold. Yes, 300% down. It's incredible, actually. The drop in my sales comes from three things: 1. Loss of focus due to the commercial kitchen we opened in January. 2. The [...]

28 10, 2021

5 Things You Need to Know About Your Food Truck Customers

2024-04-02T16:24:42+00:00October 28th, 2021|Getting Started|0 Comments

Customers, customers, customers. They are the lifeblood of your successful food truck (or any) business. They confuse you. They make you happy. They make you frustrated. But, you've got to love them. They buy your product. They support your company. And if you're lucky, they tell friends about the business and may even become friends of yours. But you have to know who your customers are, before you do anything else. Why is target market important? 1. It helps price your product You're likely targeting high-end consumers, but some of you may not be. If your $9/bottle hot sauce is [...]

21 10, 2021

7 Food Pricing Mistakes You Don’t Ever Want to Make

2024-04-02T16:24:47+00:00October 21st, 2021|Getting Started|0 Comments

Let's face it: food pricing is part science and part art. It's a blend of what you need to price your product at vs. what shoppers will actually pay at the food truck or restaurant. And believe me, you won't solve this overnight. Feeling confident about your pricing takes practice! If you're in the middle of trying to figure out pricing strategy for your food products or menu, there are several great tips here: How much would you charge for tacos? Myth #1: I don't need to know how much my product costs. Well, yes you do. It's integral [...]

30 09, 2021

Food Delivery Business Name Generator: 400+ Unique Ideas

2024-04-02T16:24:52+00:00September 30th, 2021|Getting Started|0 Comments

Did you know that the first food delivery occurred in 1889 in Naples, Italy? Amazing, we know. Now, food delivery services have come a long way since then. Imagine if technology didn’t catch up, and we had to wait for a carriage to deliver our food while you’re sitting there with an empty stomach. So, Thank God for food delivery apps. Today, it’s hard to imagine life without food delivery services. They even became more essential for both restaurant owner and consumer when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. In fact, the top four U.S. food delivery apps (DoorDash, Uber Eats, Grubhub, [...]