11 01, 2016

Bootstrapping Guide to a Weekend BBQ Business

2019-11-27T16:09:37+00:00January 11th, 2016|Getting Started|0 Comments

Bootstrapping, the new business word of the year [well, last year, but still], and basically the one which applies to almost all new startup owners in the food industry. Especially those tied to BBQ. By now you’re probably already wondering what the heck I mean/am talking about. Well let’s start out, for those not yet aware, by explaining what bootstrapping is. Technically speaking, it’s “Financing your company’s startup [or continued existence] by using the input or support of others.” And yeah, I hate this definition; it’s extremely broad, and basically sounds like how ANY business is run. But what it [...]

2 01, 2016

Creating a Profitable Culture on a Food Truck

2019-11-27T16:09:50+00:00January 2nd, 2016|Getting Started|0 Comments

Every work place has a culture. BusinessDictionary.com defines it:  "organizational culture encompasses values and behaviors that contribute to the unique social and psychological environment of an organization," including "expectations, experiences, philosophy and values that hold it together." Some of the values to consider on a food truck include dress code, customer interaction and service values, owner-employee structure and relationships, and clear processes. Is there a how-to manual on the truck? Are employees trained? Is there room for feedback in the training and on the job? How does the staff interact with customers? Are staff comfortable with one another, with the [...]

29 12, 2015

Concession Business Mastermind: How to Find Peers for Learning and Support

2019-11-27T16:09:52+00:00December 29th, 2015|Getting Started|0 Comments

Going it alone only gets you so far, whether you've launched your food truck business or are in the planning stages. Forming or joining a mastermind group can fill in the gaps that family, friends and business associates can't, and it can make the journey more successful and rewarding. Napoleon Hill coined the term "master mind" in his book Think and Grow Rich in 1937.  Mastermind groups pool the experiences and knowledge of all members to create an environment that nurtures growth - a think tank for small businesses where entrepreneurs come together for mutual support, shared resources and accountability. [...]

20 12, 2015

Should You Pay Concession Fee's at an Event?

2019-11-27T16:09:52+00:00December 20th, 2015|Getting Started|0 Comments

Should you pay to be a vendor at an event? I'm still new to food trucking, and have been asked to participate in both no-fee and fee events. Here's how I think it through and make my decisions. What You Need To Know Before making this decision, I want all the event details:  how many people, how many food trucks or food vendors, what else is going on at the event, is it a benefit for a nonprofit, how long has this event been happening, is there a cancellation policy? I want to know how it went last year, and [...]

6 12, 2015

How a Mission Statement Can Drive Your Small Food Business

2019-11-27T16:10:44+00:00December 6th, 2015|Getting Started|0 Comments

You might think that a mission statement is only something a big stuffy company would take the time to write. But this is not the case. Taking the time to think about the ultimate purpose of your business can help motivate you to continue to grow the business and provide a heightened sense of accomplishment. Mission Statement: What is it? According to Dictionary.com, a mission statement is defined as a formal summary of the aims and values of a company, organization, or individual. So essentially, why are you doing what you're doing... In this case in a small food business [...]

21 11, 2015

Should You Start a Food Truck in Retirement?

2019-11-27T16:10:46+00:00November 21st, 2015|Getting Started|0 Comments

As more baby-boomers approach retirement, they begin to ask the question "What's next?" If you're thinking about to retirement and that starting a food truck would be a fun way to make some money, you're right. It can be a terrific way to supplement your income, get involved in serving your community, and build a business on your own terms. But make sure to do your research about the business model first! Consider this hypothetical exchange between a current food trucker and customer for some additional perspective on what building this type of work is involved in starting a food [...]

23 10, 2015

Reader Review: The Food Truck Handbook by David Weber

2019-11-27T16:11:01+00:00October 23rd, 2015|Getting Started|0 Comments

Probably THE definitive guide, if there ever was one, for an overall span of everything one needs to know in starting a Food Truck business, David Weber’s ‘The Food Truck Handbook’ seems to launch itself as the first go-to resource for every suggestion on the subject. ‘Start, Grow, and Succeed in the Mobile Food Business’ is the moniker given, and from what we can tell through reading through that’s exactly what it well help you do. The text is packed with 34 chapters on basically every subject one can think of regarding the startup, maintenance, running, and growth of a [...]

16 10, 2015

How to Make Money in the Winter with a Concession Business

2019-11-27T16:11:05+00:00October 16th, 2015|Getting Started|0 Comments

As has become so popular to say nowadays, Winter is coming, and for Food Truck owners particularly this shall signal big changes to their work environment, and very important decisions that must be made. We’ve already discussed what needs to be done if choosing to keep your truck in storage to ride out and ignore the poorer winter business Here, but what if you wanted to stay open in the cold season? It’s a difficult road, and even in some of the best cases (and again, this is mainly considering that you’re in a area that actually has cold, snowy [...]

18 09, 2015

How Much do Concession Trailers Make?

2019-11-27T16:12:35+00:00September 18th, 2015|Getting Started|0 Comments

No matter how much we love what we do and what drives we have, all of us get into our fun and exciting mobile and concession food businesses for one shining reason above all others: to make money and make a living, hopefully by doing something that doesn’t feel like work. Being able to survive while doing this is key, and as such we need to have an idea how much we can make each year; can we survive on the actual profits of a concession trailer job? One definitely needs to double check all the factors and ensure their [...]

7 08, 2015

10 Tips For Hiring a New Food Truck Employee

2019-11-27T16:13:26+00:00August 7th, 2015|Getting Started|0 Comments

It’s only in the smallest and most unique operations, like hot dog stands an pastry carts, that a mobile food vendor will be able to run their unit completely by themselves or just with whatever friend/partner they’re starting out with. And if you’re actually successful and last for the long-run, then there’s no avoiding it: sooner or later, you WILL have to hire someone. As simple as the particular role may be, there are always things to be aware of and fully consider in choosing the person or persons to better fill your team… without also destroying it. Here are [...]