16 02, 2016

The Importance of Connecting with Food Truck Super Fans

2019-11-27T16:08:35+00:00February 16th, 2016|News|0 Comments

Food truck followers are more than customers:  they make or break the success of your food truck business. The contemporary food truck follower is more than just a customer, he is super plugged-in to the local scene as well as individual trucks. Followers are very connected, using social media adeptly and frequently to keep track of food truck scenes in their 'hood. Smartphone in hand, super fans take photos of trucks, food, lines, cooks, friends, and share them for better or worse. The casual eater will happen upon a food truck and take a chance, not knowing much about the [...]

24 01, 2016

Food Truck Documentary: Food on Four Wheels Video Review

2019-11-27T16:09:26+00:00January 24th, 2016|News|0 Comments

This upbeat, sincere documentary short explores food trucks in Durham, North Carolina from food truck customers' and owners' points of view for 12:57. Made by students at The School of Doc, a free summer filmmaking camp open to high school students in Durham. The film opens with a customer expressing happiness with the casualness of food trucks. "It's fun to try something new." "There's no commitment before choosing and ordering," as there is in a restaurant. Casual, familiar and conversational are characteristics repeated and emphasized in this entertaining little movie. Only Burgers' food truck owner expresses his reason for opening [...]

17 01, 2016

What Happens When Food Trucks, Cinema, & Music Collide

2019-11-27T16:09:26+00:00January 17th, 2016|News|0 Comments

Food Trucks and other activities have gone hand in hand ever since the trend started up. Truly the mobile businesses excel within symbiotic relationships; whether it’s doing a rally at a brewery or offering easy edibles during a music festival, the combo of ‘food truck + other thing’ has always proven beneficial to both parties when done right. Of course this idea has been noticed rather easily, building to lasting relationships and even grander events put together. Nowhere is this more seen than LA’s own Street Food Cinema. After a couple years ‘experimenting’ the idea, event producers and vending companies [...]

26 11, 2015

A Food Truck Story Worth Passing Around the Table on Thanksgiving

2019-11-27T16:10:44+00:00November 26th, 2015|News|0 Comments

What do you do for your Make-A-Wish when you’ve beaten cancer? If you’re 13-year-old Lucas Hobbs, you step inside a food truck and prepare a free meal for the Minneapolis police. Lucas and the O’Cheeze food truck (think grilled cheese sandwiches) pulled up outside of City Hall, last July, roughly seven months after Lucas went through treatment for Stage 3 Hodgkin lymphoma, according to the Star Tribune. Lucas is now in remission. “Sometimes it’s not that thankful of a job,” the boy said, referring to the job of a police officer. But Lucas hasn’t stopped with police officers. Prior to [...]

18 11, 2015

Dog Treat Trucks Becoming Big Business

2019-11-27T16:10:48+00:00November 18th, 2015|News|0 Comments

(Image credit: https://flic.kr/p/q8DgZ) Humans aren’t the only foodies in town. From Boston to Chicago to L.A., the dogs have upped their game when it comes to cuisine, and the food truck industry is hereby put on notice. Now is the time when owners of “doggie treat trucks” are staking their claim as “first” in their local markets. Many doggie food truck websites have made that claim. Of course, there’s always a bit of risk being first to market, but given how the dogs (and their owners) are responding, it seems like a pretty safe bet. Check out these examples of dog [...]

29 09, 2015

What is the Average Food Truck Owner's Yearly Salary?

2019-11-27T16:12:34+00:00September 29th, 2015|News|0 Comments

The question of salary considerations for a food truck owner can easily be just as varied, finicky, and dependent as Concession Trailers, which we talked similarly about their many factors and end-of-day, or really year, profits here. Many an entrepreneur flocks to the food truck industry in hopes of making success, wanting to open up a food-service operation of their own while only able to gather enough money to go the mobile route instead of the heavily expensive restaurant business; or simply going off the low-overhead idea and equating it towards a higher chance at big salaries at the end of the year. [...]

27 08, 2015

Food Trucks at the Airport? And Other Mobile News From August 2015

2019-11-27T16:12:42+00:00August 27th, 2015|News|0 Comments

Summer is winding down and the busy period for many food truck owners, especially in the northern states are doing the same. Fortunately, there's still plenty of mobile food news to keep tabs on in the month of August, 2015.  Enjoy this month's round up.  Beaumont Truck Boom – yet another city’s food truck scene is developing fast with loads of new mobile businesses! Po Boy Truck Destroyed in Fire – Odessa native Rich Chick’s Cajun Kicks sadly lost in disaster, currently finding help from local vendors Minneapolis Brings Food Trucks to the Sky – local airport is discussing the [...]

13 08, 2015

Seven Unique Uses for Mobile Medical Units

2019-11-27T16:12:47+00:00August 13th, 2015|News|0 Comments

As the world of mobile businesses grows, ever more does the ability for different avenues of transforming trailers, trucks, and semis into places to house products and stores one never would have imagined before. Nowhere is this more evident than one of the newest growing builds, Mobile Medical Units. These are basically creations of large vehicles, everything from trailers and small sprinter vans to motorcoaches and semis (though usually, the bigger the better considering what needs to be fit inside), that have their insides completely done up on the inside with exam tables, surgery areas, comfy waiting chairs, or whatever [...]

11 08, 2015

Seven Non-Profits Using Food Trucks to Raise Money For a Cause

2023-06-19T15:20:34+00:00August 11th, 2015|News|0 Comments

Charity through Food Trucks has found its place as an officially accepted and successful method of integrating ways to help others through today’s trends. Heck, people (in the Midwest at least) are still talking about the Make-a-Wish kid who used his to serve people through Food Trucks in Minnesota. In spirit of this, and to spread their names further for people to potentially explore, here are seven non-profits using food trucks to raise money or otherwise just spread the good. We’ve included a simple description of each of these wonderful people and organizations, but we heavily encourage all reading to [...]

27 06, 2015

Mobile Food News Roundup for June, 2015

2019-11-27T16:13:42+00:00June 27th, 2015|News|0 Comments

We’re starting off summer now, but the end of spring found us many new instances of food truck regulation changes, debates, new talks and plans for healthy futures. Here are some of the main articles and happenings in the world of food trucks during the month of May. East Coast Mobile Health Labeling – Boston’s Inspectional Services Department may create a system sometime soon to publicly rate the cleanliness and food safety of each restaurant and food truck, to be displayed via letter grade. Hot Truck Moving Debate – questions are rung up as Ithaca, NY council considers whether to [...]