24 01, 2018

The Ultimate List of Commonly Installed Food Truck Appliances

2019-11-27T15:56:47+00:00January 24th, 2018|Concession Equipment|0 Comments

At M&R Specialty Trailers and Trucks we've installed just about every appliance imaginable into a food truck or concession trailer. This list compiles the most commonly requested appliances to be installed onboard a mobile food unit. If you don't find the device you need on this list, not to worry. Our motto is: "If you can dream it, we can build it." We've received countless one-of-a-kind requests during our 15+ years in the custom manufacturing industry and welcome the opportunity to execute your vision. Beyond just appliances, check out our previously published equipment checklist here for information about ovens, refrigerators, [...]

18 12, 2017

How to Legally Dispose of Gray Water For a Food Truck

2019-11-27T15:57:55+00:00December 18th, 2017|Concession Equipment|0 Comments

Whether your operating a food truck or trailer, you need to consider how to properly dispose of "gray water" for your business. How you remove gray water is critical from a legal perspective and you'll face stiff fines or have your vending license revoked if you fail to meet this requirement. On top of the legal ramifications, disposing of this waste water correctly is the right thing to do. It ensures that your waste won't make anyone sick or backup sewer systems of your local municipality. In case your unfamiliar with the term "gray water" already, it's the waste water [...]

11 10, 2017

Concession Trailer Plumbing Blue Print / Layout Example

2019-11-27T15:58:46+00:00October 11th, 2017|Concession Equipment|0 Comments

Although requirements for concession trailers differ across the country there are some requirements that are standard across the board. One of the  standard requirements is for a 3-compartment sink and hand washing sink. These requirements are in place for food safety handling reasons and something you want installed on your unit regardless of legal requirements. At M&R Specialty Trailers and Trucks, we develop 3 different blue-prints / layouts for each custom build. There is an electrical layout, kitchen layout, and of course a plumbing layout that we will cover in this post. You can view an example of one plumbing [...]

16 08, 2017

Three Essential Tips When Buying a Food Truck at Auction

2019-11-27T15:58:54+00:00August 16th, 2017|Concession Equipment|0 Comments

Thinking about trying to save money on a food truck by attending an upcoming auction? Be sure to read our three essential tips before making your first bid. These tips will not only help save you money, but they will help you avoid investing in a vehicle that you won't ever be able to use. As a general rule of thumb, food trucks aren't easy to find at auction sales either online or offline. Food trucks aren't like cars, tractors, or antiques that have a niche audience of regulars that attend all the local events looking for deal. If you [...]

12 08, 2017

Can You Install an Awning on a Food Truck?

2019-11-27T15:59:57+00:00August 12th, 2017|Concession Equipment|0 Comments

Can you install an awning on a food truck or concession trailer? Of course you can! Awnings are a functional way to differentiate your concession unit by providing some much needed shade to customers that are waiting for food on a hot day. Awnings can also be used to create a makeshift dining area for customers as well. Best of all, when it's time to move to the next vending location these awnings can be retracted automatically by request making break down faster and easier. At M&R Specialty Trailers and Trucks, we can install any type of custom awning you [...]

15 01, 2017

Funnel Cake Concession Trailer Business Startup Report

2019-11-27T16:02:30+00:00January 15th, 2017|Concession Equipment|0 Comments

Classic Funnel Cake Concession Trailer. If you're looking for a concession business that performs well at state fairs, county fairs, or just about any summertime event, funnel cake is a proven treat that has been enjoyed by fair goers for almost a century. No doubt you've tasted this fried, crispy, and sweet dessert that is one of the most popular food items you can purchase at fairs across America. Although it is considered a classic American dessert, the funnel cake first broke out on the scene at the Kutztown Folk Festival in 1950. This is a festival that [...]

23 09, 2016

BBQ Concession Trailers with Bathrooms Installed Onboard

2019-11-27T16:04:19+00:00September 23rd, 2016|Concession Equipment|0 Comments

At M&R Specialty Trailers and Trucks, one shift we've recognized over the past 15 years manufacturing concession trailers is more vendors are requesting a bathroom to be installed within their BBQ concession trailers. Sure, determining what kind of smoker and other cooking equipment should be equipped on the vehicle still takes the priority one among pit masters, but the toilet usually isn't far behind! And there are a lot of advantages to doing so that both from a personal comfort level operating the trailer and from a customer service perspective as well. In this post, we will outline some of [...]

30 06, 2016

How-to Determine Electrical Power Needs of a Food Truck

2019-11-27T16:07:40+00:00June 30th, 2016|Concession Equipment|0 Comments

You will almost certainly need electrical energy for your truck, unless you plan on vending from a hot dog cart. Even then, if you want to do anything cool you’ll want to upgrade so you have power. How much power exactly will you need for your truck? That is tricky and depends entirely on the Wattage of your equipment. Let’s do a quick introduction to the physics of electricity so you understand the terminology. When we start the build process, we work with customers to determine how much power they'll need to operate they're specific type of business. Understanding Watts [...]

7 03, 2016

Trending Now: Fresh Produce Food Trucks

2019-11-27T16:08:17+00:00March 7th, 2016|Concession Equipment|0 Comments

  As we’ve all seen by now, the food truck movement has done wonders to launch the inspiration for many a mobile venture. The success of packaging your product inside an attractive large van to peddle in city streets and events has lead to the creation of mobile Fashion Businesses, Barber Shops, and of course even more food trucks. Once more this yields not just a fun and interesting new concept in the world of food delivery, but something pivotal within the health of a community. For once we don’t have to specifically get all our amazingly fresh, local farmed [...]

21 02, 2016

Food Truck Exterior Lighting Options and Examples

2019-11-27T16:08:34+00:00February 21st, 2016|Concession Equipment|0 Comments

Keeping a light on in a food truck means more than just being able to see what you’re cutting, in fact it can majorly impact your business in both garnering profits and making sure they’re not lost. Inner illumination doesn’t really apply of course, it’s a given that one is going to have it and enough of it to do their jobs. What we’re talking about today is EXTERIOR illumination; the things that kick on at night because, let’s face it, as a food truck you’re going to be spending a lot of business hours when it’s dark out. Being [...]