3003, 2016

Registering for an Employer Identification Number with Your Concession Venture

March 30th, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

In the early stages of conceiving a business, you may not have decided upon the final name of your business or even fully grasp your business structure. We do, however, want to make you aware of the process of registering your business. You will need to register for your local city/county, state, and with the Federal IRS. Registering for an Employer Identification Number You will need to start with the IRS, by registering for an Employer Identification Number or EIN. This process is extremely simple and there is a lot of documentation out there on the internet about how to [...]

1903, 2016

Food Concept Questions for Concession Businesses

March 19th, 2016|Categories: Getting Started|0 Comments

Just beginning getting together your initial ideas for the type of food concept you want? When putting together your vision for your food truck or concession business there are a lot of things to consider. As you build your knowledge, you’ll come to learn that there is even more! But for now let’s just focus on what we know. Chances are, you’ve thought a little bit about what type of food you’d like to have. So start making some of your ideas concrete and putting them down on paper. The questions listed below can be used to help trigger the [...]

703, 2016

Trending Now: Fresh Produce Food Trucks

March 7th, 2016|Categories: Concession Equipment|0 Comments

  As we’ve all seen by now, the food truck movement has done wonders to launch the inspiration for many a mobile venture. The success of packaging your product inside an attractive large van to peddle in city streets and events has lead to the creation of mobile Fashion Businesses, Barber Shops, and of course even more food trucks. Once more this yields not just a fun and interesting new concept in the world of food delivery, but something pivotal within the health of a community. For once we don’t have to specifically get all our amazingly fresh, local farmed [...]

2902, 2016

Top 10 Food Trucks to Eat At in 2016

February 29th, 2016|Categories: News|0 Comments

It may be the turn of the year but the season for food trucks is still a couple months away, unless of course one lives in Texas or LA. Already though many are slowly getting ready for this wonderful time of year, expectations running high to delve into their local line-ups on good-meals-on-wheels, whether they’re an experience street-eater or a newbie just discovering the wonders of this food source just recently. There are new vehicles we have to hit while we can, missed older businesses to finally try and pin down, and of course dear favorites to go back to [...]

2402, 2016

Watch This: Food Truck Video For Kids

February 24th, 2016|Categories: News|0 Comments

Here's a fun video we discovered for anyone with young kids. The food truck song performed in this YouTube video starts with children's voices saying "food truck!" loudly and with enthusiasm, a bass line gently thrumming to engage the listening viewer. A Queso Good food truck rolls out from a covered parking awning full of lots of food trucks, obviously heading out to the streets for a busy day vending and feeding the masses. It's a sunny day and the fun song gets you in the mood for the adventure of food trucks. Produced by Twentytrucks, copyright Hammershark Media LLC [...]

2102, 2016

Food Truck Exterior Lighting Options and Examples

February 21st, 2016|Categories: Concession Equipment|0 Comments

Keeping a light on in a food truck means more than just being able to see what you’re cutting, in fact it can majorly impact your business in both garnering profits and making sure they’re not lost. Inner illumination doesn’t really apply of course, it’s a given that one is going to have it and enough of it to do their jobs. What we’re talking about today is EXTERIOR illumination; the things that kick on at night because, let’s face it, as a food truck you’re going to be spending a lot of business hours when it’s dark out. Being [...]

1602, 2016

The Importance of Connecting with Food Truck Super Fans

February 16th, 2016|Categories: News|0 Comments

Food truck followers are more than customers:  they make or break the success of your food truck business. The contemporary food truck follower is more than just a customer, he is super plugged-in to the local scene as well as individual trucks. Followers are very connected, using social media adeptly and frequently to keep track of food truck scenes in their 'hood. Smartphone in hand, super fans take photos of trucks, food, lines, cooks, friends, and share them for better or worse. The casual eater will happen upon a food truck and take a chance, not knowing much about the [...]

1202, 2016

Making Accurate Income Projections for a Concession Businesses

February 12th, 2016|Categories: Getting Started|0 Comments

How does one make income projections for a concession business? We recommend thinking about your food cost as a percent of the menu price. In your income projections, you can use this percentage to calculate your food cost for that month. Let’s say you are projecting to make $8,000 a month with a one item menu. You charge $8 for that menu item, and your food cost is 25% of the price: $8000 total sales for month * .25 = $2000 total food cost In an Income Projections template spreadsheet, there are a few fillable sections that allow you to account [...]

102, 2016

10 Best BBQ Business Names of 2019

February 1st, 2016|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Sometimes picking a name for your business is as simple as snapping your fingers. Others, it can be a brain-racking process which gnaws on your psyche for days on end. Even more difficult is this when there are hundreds, THOUSANDS of other people in the country going into the same kind of business as yourself, like BBQ. Which can suck, as the name is one of the few things one can TRULY control and call their own without having to worry about annoying factors like costs, budget, local laws, or anything else affecting it. It’s the pivotal display of who [...]

2401, 2016

Food Truck Documentary: Food on Four Wheels Video Review

January 24th, 2016|Categories: News|0 Comments

This upbeat, sincere documentary short explores food trucks in Durham, North Carolina from food truck customers' and owners' points of view for 12:57. Made by students at The School of Doc, a free summer filmmaking camp open to high school students in Durham. The film opens with a customer expressing happiness with the casualness of food trucks. "It's fun to try something new." "There's no commitment before choosing and ordering," as there is in a restaurant. Casual, familiar and conversational are characteristics repeated and emphasized in this entertaining little movie. Only Burgers' food truck owner expresses his reason for opening [...]


For over 20-years M&R has built a reputation for quality in the concession industry. This is where we publish tips on starting a mobile food business, building a food truck, and keep you up-to-date with news from our customers. Find out more about M&R through the link below.