3008, 2021

10 Business Tips for Solo Food Entrepreneurs

August 30th, 2021|Categories: Getting Started|0 Comments

Do you catch yourself saying these things? The 10 tips below help you get more done with less. Are you the sole owner of your food business? Do you do everything from production to marketing, sales to distribution? If so, then this post is for you. Running a food business all by yourself is tough. Not only do you do everything, you have to keep the company moving forward. You have to find people to help you - even if it means lots of donated product. Help is out there for you. Including this list of tips below. [...]

1608, 2021

125+ Unforgettable Fried Chicken Marketing Slogans and Quotes for Social Media

August 16th, 2021|Categories: Getting Started|0 Comments

For many in the United States, fried chicken is the ultimate comfort food. In fact, 178.98 million Americans consumed frozen fried chicken in 2020. The number is expected to increase to 184.02 million by 2024. There’s no doubt that chicken is a good business. If you’re a budding entrepreneur, and you need to market your product (in this case, fried chicken), social media is one the best places to do so. Social media is one of the most versatile and cost-effective ways to reach consumers. However, before marketing your product, you must first have a slogan, as it helps consumers [...]

208, 2021

What I Learned from Two Food Pricing Experiments

August 2nd, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Pricing is one of the most challenging parts of running a food business whether it's a food truck, restaurant, or baked good. The right price on the shelf (and in turn, to stores, distributors, and brokers) determines your success. You could sell very little of a premium product and a ton of a low-priced product. The challenge? You need to know where you fall. And the strategy that's going to get you there. It took me six months to decide I wanted to test my prices. One of my mentors kept nudging me. "Test your prices! What's the worst that could [...]

2807, 2021

185+ Creative Labor Day Marketing Slogans and Captions

July 28th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Labor Day, a US federal holiday celebrated every first Monday of September, is an annual event that honors the American labor movement. It’s a day for honoring, recognizing, and appreciating the contributions of honest, hardworking laborers to the achievements and developments in all sectors of US society. Use any of these slogans, captions, and quotes in your Labor Day social media posts. If you’re running a business establishment and you wish to have a sale or a special on Labor Day, these slogans, taglines, and captions will also help effectively announce your offers. Labor Day Marketing Slogans Labor Day Captions [...]

2707, 2021

255+ Smart Recruitment and Staffing Slogans To Hire the Best Candidates

July 27th, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Recruitment of employees has become a challenge national wide in the restaurant and food truck industry. National-wide owners are struggling to find qualified folks that want to work. To help make hiring easier, we've organized a laundry list of recruitment and staffing slogans you can use to hire the best candidates. Recruitment agencies follow different practices to attract the right people. In the US, 56% of businesses will offer signing bonuses to new hires from business schools. Recruitment through social media is also common nowadays with 79% of job seekers say that they use social media to look for jobs. [...]

1207, 2021

Pros and Cons of Participating in a Daily Deal Websites for Food Trucks

July 12th, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Have you been approached by a daily deal site like Groupon or Living Social for your food truck or restaurant? What about a site run by a TV station or newspaper? If you have, chances are you've thought about what a daily deal would mean for your business. And maybe you've jumped at the opportunity to be featured. But, that could cause problems. Daily deals are just like any other business decision. They have to be thought about and discussed with business partners, family and friends. Then, a decision should be reached on whether or not to move forward. To [...]

207, 2021

139+ (Actually Good) Food Conservation and Waste Reduction Slogans

July 2nd, 2021|Categories: News|0 Comments

Food waste is a global problem amounting to immense financial and environmental costs. If you operate a food truck or restaurant this waste can cut in your bottom line in a big way. Annually, the total value of food wasted globally is $1 trillion. In the US alone, 103 million tons of food waste were generated last 2018. It is also estimated that about 30% - 40% of the food supply goes to waste. These statistics can even go higher as the growing problem of food waste in America seems to have no end. The effects of food waste can [...]

2206, 2021

How to Purchase Used Cooking Equipment for Your Food Business

June 22nd, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

When you open your own co-packing facility or starting a concession business, you could spend months Googling for used cooking equipment - searching Craigslist, eBay, YouTube, etc. You end up calling companies who don't return your phone calls because you're small potatoes to them, and when equipment arrives it's like fifty times better than Christmas. Buying equipment is terrifying and exciting. It's a BIG purchase. And it can be a day's worth of spinning your wheels if you don't know what you're looking for. Sometimes, even a single word change yields the search results you're actually looking for. Recently, I purchased [...]

1106, 2021

Key Lessons From My First Year Running a Food Business

June 11th, 2021|Categories: Getting Started|0 Comments

I analyze EVERYTHING about my business. You should see my spreadsheets (I'll share them once I get them all bundled up). Some would say, it's overkill. I say, it's research. And at the end of every year, I write these posts about how my business performed. Why do I do this? Analyzing your business provides you with insights you would never see if you simply handed over a profit & loss statement to your tax accountant and called it a day. For example: What was your most popular flavor? Which retailers increased sales of your product? Which distribution channel is your [...]

2205, 2021

Four Ways to Create Loyal Customers for Your Food Company

May 22nd, 2021|Categories: Uncategorized|0 Comments

Do a lot of your customers seem to purchase your products once and then dispensary? Want to create a repeat sales machine where customers are always looking for and purchasing your product? Then read on! I'm going to share with you four tips to get more loyal customers. Really, it's what has worked for me to  build an army of repeat buyers for Green Mountain Mustard. But these tips will work for any food business, including a restaurant, food truck, or cart. This past weekend we were at a craft fair in New York. We've been doing it for four [...]


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